No coincidences attached

My eye-opener story, which showed me that there are no coincidences and everything is built on the cause-and-effect principle... and what Easter time has to do with it.

I've been very lucky in my life. No major accidents. A few broken bones. A fairly peaceful childhood. As far as I know, no major traumas. All the physical discomforts I've had so far have been sometimes frightening and painful but bearable.

Perhaps that's why it took me so long to understand that I am the mistress of my fate and the master of my soul. If harsher blows of fate had befallen me, I might have awakened earlier, or I might have been broken by them. For me, it doesn't matter anymore. But perhaps it does for you? However, it must be said that the right time comes for everything.

It wasn't until my early twenties, or perhaps even mid-twenties, that I realized all the therapeutic responses I received regarding my ailments merely focused on symptom management.

While I did start seeking alternative approaches and solutions to my problems early on, even there, I found very one-sided approaches. Vitamin deficiencies that needed to be addressed, ribs that needed realignment, supplements that needed to be taken.

Undoubtedly, maintaining a mindful and healthy relationship with our bodies plays an essential role, but the point is that the balance between body, mind, and soul must be established to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

The first step in recognizing and resolving the underlying cause of my ailments was for me the path of personal development, awareness, self-reflection, and mindfulness.

I want to share with you a pivotal moment in this, my journey of development.

Shortly after the birth of my daughter, my skin began to change. I had never had any issues with my skin before, and to be honest, I was quite surprised. My hands started to itch, blisters formed, gradually turning into large patches that were very uncomfortable and painful. These patches spread from my hands to my arms and chest.

I was advised to see a doctor, but the only option offered there was cortisone, which was not an option for me. The external pressure was immense. Acquaintances shared their theories with me about how irresponsible I was for not treating the rash in the conventional way and what consequences it could have.

I tried to distance myself from it all and forge my own path. I sought help from a coach who began asking questions. Good questions. Questions about my childhood, my fears, my self-image. Gradually, I began to understand that my issue was about boundaries and thus had the opportunity to dissolve corresponding beliefs that I had acquired over the years. It may have taken a bit longer, but I finally resolved these blockages, and with them, the rash disappeared for good. It never returned.

For the first time, I saw so clearly that I have everything in my hands. This issue is closed for me.

Others are still waiting to be resolved. But with confidence in my abilities and the drive to seek out the root cause, it's easier for me to replace destructive beliefs with empowering ones.

The introduction still promises a link to the current Easter holidays. And here it is.

Letting go of old burdens and blockages. Embracing new beliefs. Holding onto the core of our existence.

But I do have one more small remark...

In my opinion, it's highly unlikely that physical ailments emerge out of the blue. Just like that. Without an actual accident.

Because our bodies are far too clever to initiate such discomfort without reason. We often like to believe that because then we can relinquish responsibility and nestle into our victim role. In those moments, the mind and our ego take control and work tirelessly to feel important. But that shows us that we're not in balance. Instead, it's the mind steering our lives.

Therefore, I firmly believe that we need to regain trust in ourselves and acknowledge the wonders that we are.

Anything is possible.



Mindfulness in Business


The “High Five” of my morning routine