The “High Five” of my morning routine
1. Mindful thoughts
Consciously and positively formulating my first thought in the morning brings me very close to a good day.
As we are known to create our own reality, it is certainly an advantage to consciously start in the morning. So if my first thought is "This is going to be a great day. I really want to bring joy into the world today", I start the day with a different feeling than if I think "What a stupid weather. I can only be in a bad mood...".
We often think that we can't control our thoughts, but that they control us. And this is actually the case most days of our lives, when we live unconsciously & carelessly in our daily routine. Every day we repeat our unhealthy routines and expect something to finally change in our lives in return.
But how can anything change for the better if we don't consciously initiate a change?
A first step towards initiating this desired change can be to become aware of your own thoughts.
It was a long time ago, but I can remember that my thoughts were sometimes very mean and superficial. Whenever I thought someone was strange, I thought "What's that weird hairstyle? What is he wearing? Why is she so loud? etc.". But honestly ... who cares? I made a conscious effort to walk through the streets without judgement. It's not that I have to like everything that other people wear, do or say. But I can at least accept that they are different to me & therefore I don't even have to comment on them in silence. That doesn't do me any good at all & says much more about my own complexes than about the other person.
I can imagine that reads very superficially and it certainly was at the time. But I guess I wasn't the only one ;). In any case, it was a huge step towards freeing myself from my own thoughts.
2. Pulling oil
While the first point is strongly related to the connection to the mind & its control, the next two steps focus on the body.
So after getting up, I start by practising oil pulling. It is a method for daily detoxification and comes from Ayurvedic teachings. Oil pulling not only strengthens the teeth, gums and prevents tooth decay, but also improves many physical complaints. From migraines to asthma and heart disease.
The application is so successful because an antibacterial oil has at least 20 minutes to get into all the gum pockets and act on all the unwanted bacteria that have accumulated overnight. I use organic coconut oil for this because, in addition to its antibacterial effect, it is also anti-inflammatory. However, you can also use sesame oil or sunflower oil.
Before oil pulling, tongue cleansing (ideally with an Ayurvedic tongue scraper) is also very important. And afterwards, of course, brushing your teeth.
3. Warm fresh lemon
Warm lemon also has a revitalising effect on the body & has lots of cool properties. Lemons are alkalising and help to counteract hyperacidity in the body. When taken regularly, the lemon and water mixture also strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The high antioxidant content can counteract the harmful free radicals that invade the body with an unhealthy lifestyle.
The preparation is very easy. All you need is water and an organic lemon. Heat the water so that it is still safe to drink, ideally up to 40 degrees Celsius, and pour it into the squeezed lemon. That's it. Now just enjoy in small sips and be healthy.
4. Breathwork/Meditation
Meditation and breathing exercises are now following and creating a conscious connection to the soul. As it is still early in the morning & I am still in a state between the waking and dream worlds, it is easier for me to meditate, relax, let go, feel & listen. At the beginning, I always do some breathing exercises that direct my concentration to the present moment. The exercises vary every day. There is the "4-7-8 breathing" or countless pranayama breathing exercises. Just give them a try. They work wonders.
I then go into meditation automatically and continue to breathe naturally ;) ... completely relaxed.
5. Journaling/Gratitude Journal
Journaling in the morning gives me the opportunity for self-reflection, intention setting and structure in my daily routine. With the help of a journal, I can not only think about what I want to focus on today, but also consciously formulate and write down this clarity for the day. When I create positive and uplifting rituals to replace unconscious everyday routines, I bring about a change within myself. Questioning my previous activities - running on autopilot - leads me to new insights, changes and a new & healthier mindset.
I fill the gratitude book with feelings, emotions, thoughts, declarations of love & actions from the past, present and future. I always formulate the sentences in the present. I spend about 10 minutes doing this and let my creativity run free.
I have to say that I get up at 5am to have time for my morning routine before the children wake up. I'm also aware that having a routine like this doesn't fit into every family concept.
For a long time, I couldn't get up that early because our son woke up as soon as I left the bed. But after a certain point, it worked and I learnt to love these 1.5-2 hours just for myself.
When everything is calm and not hectic. When I'm allowed to look after my needs first and then go back to everyday life feeling stronger.
Anything is possible.