Mindfulness in Business

„Mindfulness is a specific form of attention that is intentional, relates to the present moment, and is non-judgmental.“

- Jon Kabat-Zinn

In my opinion, the success of a company goes hand in hand with the fulfillment of its employees. Because a company only functions as long as its employees have enough strength, motivation, and joy in their work. Symbolically speaking, the employees form the foundation of a house and decide whether the building will develop cracks in the next storm, collapse, or learn from the crisis and recognize opportunities for growth.

Many companies probably see this differently, as they do not associate economic success with the happiness of each individual employee. Just as they do not see crises as an opportunity to rethink and further develop. I have seen different corporate concepts. I have witnessed how employees could motivate themselves with dedication for several months, maybe a few years, and then collapsed under stress and with burnout.

However, I have also seen a sustainable and healthy approach. Economically and socially successful companies whose employees work loyally and happily for years, not only efficiently completing their tasks but performing their work with ease and even optimizing it. But this requires the right mindset from both the employees and the bosses.

I am convinced that a company that wants to be successful and make a real difference in the world should be interested in the mindful personal development of all individuals. Because financial compensation only motivates to a certain extent and certainly not sustainably. Therefore, a shift in thinking and feeling must take place. A new fulfillment mindset, consisting of empathy, mindfulness, and consciousness strengthening.

Where have the times gone when people used to say, 'Oh cool, a new day begins. I get to go to work again. I'm looking forward to it.' Did those times ever really exist? From every side, all I hear is, 'Oh no, Monday. I have to go to work again. I don't feel like it. When will the week finally end?' But honestly... we spend at least 40 hours a week at the workplace. That means at least 40 hours a week in a low vibration. Stressed, unhappy, and demotivated. Surely that's not the purpose of our lives, is it?

I don’t think so.

And I believe that we are allowed to start taking more interest in our lives and the 'why'... Let's look at it from the perspective of the company.

So, we have a company that wants to be economically successful and ideally also socially engaged. And we have the employees who carry this company and form its core competencies.

If the company cannot be successful without its employees, then we must ensure that the employees enjoy their work and are motivated. In my opinion, the key to this joy is personal development.

Now, you might ask, what does the employee's private, inner attitude have to do with the company? And the answer is: EVERYTHING. Work life and personal life should not be viewed separately in this case. It's still the same person. The same individual leading a life in one world."

And by that, I don't mean that we can't just switch off at home without thinking about work. What I mean is that we can see ourselves as a whole and view work as fulfillment, not just as a means to truly live during the remaining 'free' hours. If we even do that.

Our attitude and thoughts about our job need to undergo a shift.

From stress to ease.

And the path to greater ease leads through mindfulness practice.

Anything is possible.



As we all know, the journey is the reward


No coincidences attached