A green smoothie a day, keeps the doctor away …

I'm not even going to try to create a classic food blog because I hardly ever follow recipes when cooking/baking and improvise a lot. And yet I feel like sharing my absolute food & drink favourites with you, taking photos of them and promoting these healthy alternatives. So it gives me great pleasure to share this wonderfully simple, healthy and delicious smoothie recipe with you today.

All you need is your herbs of choice, some fruit and a blender. In fact, wild herbs combine the best properties. They are rich in antioxidants, healing substances and vital nutrients. What's more, they are robust and require no special care.

So if you have a garden, don't immediately label everything that grows there as a weed. Many plants that are pulled out have incredibly valuable properties. They have minerals and nutrients that are otherwise found in very few foods. They can also be picked for free in parks, forests and meadows.

These include herbs and flowers such as daisies, nettles, goutweed, dandelion, mallow, lady's mantle and plantain. Just to name a few ...

Of course you can also use other herbs that you can get at the weekly market. Spinach, parsley, mint, sprouts, lemon balm, kale etc. A combination of wild herbs and the herbs mentioned last is also cool.

Now to the recipe:

  • 2-3 Handful of greens

  • 1 Banana

  • 1 Orange/Apple

  • 150-200 ml of water

Put everything in the blender and your antioxidant bomb is ready.

If you still need a little pep or notice that you're coming down with a cold, add a thumb-sized piece of ginger. It contains anti-inflammatory substances, lots of vitamin C and also magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Such a crazy little tuber. I am thrilled ;).

Enjoy & remember

Anything is possible.



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