Journaling for Kids

There are countless tools, courses and exercises for adults that help us to explore our own nature, our existence and the meaning of life.

To get closer to ourselves again.

We usually reach for these tools when we clearly notice that we are not feeling well. We find life increasingly stressful. We experience life as something that happens to us and not as a path that we can control and really live & enjoy to the full. Health restrictions and mental issues are increasingly preoccupying us and we switch into survival mode & move away from a life of joy & love.

Some of us then remain in this 'victim role' and do not recognize the connections between our inner and outer world. They start to change certain things on the outside, such as their partner, where they live or their job.

Others, however, understand that our outer world "only" reflects our inner self. At this moment, they embark on a path of self-reflection and personal development. By the time we realize this, we have already been through a lot and we have a lot to work through.

  • Dissolving old & false beliefs from our childhood

  • Getting to the bottom of physical complaints

  • Starting to be more aware of our thoughts & feelings

  • Going into forgiveness work

We have distanced ourselves from our sensitivity, forgot to recognize when we cross our boundaries & stop moving away from our true origin. Only those who are willing to look, to listen honestly, will be able to answer this simple yet extremely complex question of "who am I?" for themselves.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm going on like this and what this has to do with the title of the blog post ;). In my opinion, it is so important to work on our own growth because we are such an inspiration for our children, nephews, nieces, grandchildren etc. and should set a happy example for them. Because only a healthy, loving, joyful adult can allow their children to grow up in gratitude and joy. Those who are deeply hurt and out of balance themselves live in dissatisfaction, fear and anxiety.

I had another thought about this a few months ago.

Of course it's great that I'm working on myself, looking and reflecting. But that is also a process. A development that takes time. Some things happen faster, others take years.

Any time is a good time to start and yet we often only really wake up after many years and start to make changes.

At the same time, I don't want my children to have as much to work through as I do. They should already be allowed to engage in self-reflection, recognize feelings, consciously perceive their own thoughts and be in harmony with themselves.

They come into the world in balance and are brought up by unhappy adults to conform and to ignore their own heart's voice. I think we adults should make it a priority to change this. We should start to question our own beliefs & release them so that the little ones don't grow up in self-doubt and fear too.

My small contribution to this is my mindfulness journal for kids, which I created from the bottom of my heart for children to give them a daily moment for self-reflection. I have fulfilled this little dream as a milestone on the path of my passion.

I created it with a lot of love & joy and got support from an illustrator & a yoga trainer.

If you are interested in it & want to try something new, then I can only recommend it. You can find it on Etsy under the following link.

Anything is possible



Ist leicht gleich einfach?

