
When an inner force pulls me towards change & the mind screams "bullshit".

What is it that so often holds us back from big dreams and ideas? I guess it's this mechanism called "common sense". A construct that makes sense in certain situations. Let's say I'm walking in the forest and suddenly I see a very hungry wolf that doesn't feel like eating any more greenery. In this case, my head kicks in and my mind starts working, discussing and formulating the best solution for me.

Am I fast enough to run away from a wolf?

Am I strong enough to climb a tree?

Am I calm enough to lie on the ground and wait?

In this case, it makes sense to weigh things up and come up with a survival strategy. Cool thing, this mind. Although I'm not so sure how a wolf would react to me in the wild... maybe it would run away? But you know what I mean ;). He really is very hungry :D.

However, if we wander through our lives too carelessly, it can happen that this caring mind becomes a limiting mind. Because then I walk through the forest, am afraid of a deer or a bug, or don't go into the forest at all and shut myself away in my little room forever.

The mind then ensures that we bathe in our safe comfort zone, without the prospect of fulfilling crazy dreams. For example, having fun on a high ropes course. If we want to stick with the forest example ...

I reckon it's precisely this mind that pushes change and "unrealistic" decisions to one side, dismissing them as impossible.

Our intuition, on the other hand, manifests itself through an inexplicable feeling. A feeling that won't let go of us and makes itself felt somewhere in the stomach area.

I'm currently learning to listen to my intuition and make decisions based on it. And I'm realising that these intuitive decisions are worth their weight in gold. One big gut decision I've made is to sign up for an online coaching programme for personal development. I've been toying with this idea for a long time, but my mind kept telling me:

There are so many free offers, why don't you make use of them? Acquire the knowledge yourself, you don't need any help (hello ego!). It takes far too much time, don't do it.

But my gut feeling wouldn't budge. And so I'm doing an experiment. I'm really quite sure that it will be transformative. But maybe I'll fall flat on my face for a moment. Maybe you'll notice a change. It remains exciting.

So often the gut and the head are in conflict. The gut feeling, this inner emotion that has to assert itself against the head, our mind & is often so much quieter. It is a process. But we can learn to listen to our intuition for our own good. Because when we listen to this gut feeling, we develop further and unfold our wings. This allows us to experience much more and to LIVE authentically. Of course, sometimes a storm can come, we get wet and have to accept defeat. But we dry up again and fly on.

Anything is possible.

Deine Alicja


Journaling for Kids


Success does not equal fulfilment