Shifts are taking place & honestly, it’s high time!

There is a growing expectation for subjects like mental health to be treated with the seriousness they deserve. With work hours frequently exceeding adequate rest, employers now have the opportunity to make positive changes.

This isn’t only about preventing burnout; it’s about cultivating an environment where employees can thrive & feel energised.




Presented are several insights into the German populace, alongside an assessment of their mental and physical well-being, shedding light on crucial aspects of their overall health. The numbers presented are more than just figures.
To become aware of the current situation is the first step towards change.



Approximately 60% of individuals in Germany reported being unable to disconnect. This implies that their attention and concentration are significantly restricted, leaving minimal space for creativity and resourcefulness.

Around 56% of individuals living in Germany stated that they tend to suffer from a severe form of uneasiness. Agitation can cause extreme discomfort and distress, interfere with work and social interactions

Psychological illnesses affect 15.1% of the population in Germany. Although a wide range of depressive disorders exists, all these conditions are characterized by enduring states of mental despondency and sadness.



What employees truly need are employers who are mindful, empathetic, caring & willing to take preventive actions.

Being a successful and mindful employer requires courage and empathy. It’s common to believe we understand our employees’ feelings and thoughts but often our perceptions are untrue. We might only see what aligns with our expectations and our beliefs.

Take the initiative to ask them about their well-being and how life is treating them, really.

Benefits of mindfulness at work

increased focus

enhanced compassion

reduced conflict

increased productivity

enhanced creativity

higher quality interactions

Stress resilience

happier people

Here’s what I’m offering

retreats & workshops tailored to your needs

expertise in mindful & holistic events

suitable locations & venues

experts for mental & physical health

creative ideas

sustainable concepts

proactive mindset

focus & compassion